Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day 4

I am very happy to report that it rained today!! We saw mountains we didn't even know existed. The colors on the buildings came to life and we actually saw sunshine for the first time!

Our day at the orphanage was wonderful. We asked if we could stay all day and not leave for lunch. They were very hesitant, but finally agreed. They are so worried that they are working us too hard and we will not get our rest. The staff prepared a wonderful sit down meal for us. It was all homegrown on the grounds.

The team worked so hard painting, doing crafts and just loving on kids today. We even had a magic show from "Dr. Magic"!! The veterans came to watch too and enjoyed it very much.

I'm not sure how we're going to say goodbye tomorrow. It will be heart wrenching. I've lost count of the number of team members that have said "Next year when we come...." Even our wonderful guide Ying from VA is saying that!

We had several highlights today. The first being our evening dance in the streets. We wore our t-shirts and joined the nightly street dancers. We are quite the celebraties in the city. Our picture was on the front page of the paper this morning, we were on the news tonight, and will be on again tomorrow morning. It was great fun piling in our room to watch the coverage. They did a great job showing us with the kids. Today another newspaper came and did a story and on Friday some "officials" are giving us a send off.

Tomorrow is the big birthday party for the kids. We are so excited to give them their gift bags.

Enjoy today's photos!!

Love you all!

1 comment:

mama haight said...

It's obvious that the Lord has used this team to leave his imprint on the hearts of these children! You have touched their lives with the love of Jesus. They will never forget you. You will leave behind a piece of your heart, but the Lord is faithful and will fill the void with his grace. "O Lord, You're beautiful Your face is all I seek For when Your eyes are on THIS CHILD, Your grace abounds to me." I pray that although your hearts will be aching you can have a smile on your face when you say goodbye so the kids can remember you with pure joy. Who wouldn't want to return next year! If you plan another trip, Lord willing, I will go! God's Blessings, Laura Haight