Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Meet the Team!!

Well, some of them anyway. Pictured from left to right:
Carrol Jones, Dana Jones, Brett Jones, Diana Henry, Amy Gividen, Danielle Greene, Don Jones, Carol Weston,
Front Row: Karyn Jones, Meagan Carr, Elizabeth Gividen, Danica Flores, and Angela Schultz.

Not pictured but heading to China with us: Arv Leighton, Tina Schultz, Anna Cardiel, Jessica Jones, Kathi Smith, Agar Yanulaytis, Tonyia Crebbin and Toni Crebbin.

Please pray for this team as they prepare to visit and care for the orphans of Chaoyang Social Welfare Institute July 12th-24th.


Journey To Luke said...

Wow.....somebody has been working really hard! ;)

Toni said...

Looking forward to meeting you all in person soon! Liz, I want my tshirt:)

corky said...

thank you team for being the hands and feet of Jesus! we love and appreciate all you do for these precious holy innocents. ~corky xox

Catseye Greymantle said...

i get more excited as each day passes!