Monday, June 30, 2008


Here's our itinerary to help you know where we are when. We covet your prayers and appreciate all your love and support!

Wednesday, July 2nd - Depart for LAX

Thursday, July 3rd - Depart for Beijing, China

Friday, July 4th - Arrive in Beijing. That is one LONG flight! :)

Saturday, July 5th - Back to Beijing Airport to fly to Shenyang, the capital city of Liaoning province.
Visit our friends in Shenyang that our doing "His" work.
Off to Walmart for supplies for the orphanage.
Take a 4-5 hour bus ride to Chaoyang.
Arrive Chaoyang!

Sunday, July 6th-
Thursday, July 10th. SEE OUR KIDS!!

Friday, July 11th FLY (extra prayer here please) from Chaoyang to Beijing
Back to Walmart of supplies for Hope Foster Home and Philip Hayden Foster Home
Travel to Philip Hayden for a visit with the children
and staff.

Saturday, July 12th Bus ride to Hope Foster Home to visit with the
children there.

Sunday, July 13th Attend Beijing International Christian Fellowship!
Revelation 7:9 “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could
count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne…”

Hutong tour in Beijing

Monday, July 14th. Fly back to the U.S.A.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Let the Packing Begin!!

We had our last team meeting at the Li home. Jake made some delicious Chinese food and we thoroughly enjoyed it as we went over some last details. We divided most of our donations. WOW! What a generous group of people.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Blankets of Blessings!

Meet our angel Vi Debord! After we returned home last year, Vi heard us share about the precious children of Chaoyang. She said the Lord laid it on her heart to help them in some way. She called me last spring and offered to make 20 quilts for the babies of Chaoyang. With the help of her daughter and sister, here are the fruits of their labor. We love you ladies and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3 Weeks and Counting!

In less than 3 weeks team Chaoyang will be heading to China! As we make the final preparations we’re asking that you join us in prayer that this mission trip will be all that the Lord desires. Here are a few of our requests.

• Team Unity
• Health and safety for the entire team.
• A willingness to let God be in charge.
• May our daily lives be a witness to all we encounter.
• Acceptance of us by the people of Chaoyang as well as the Chinese government.
• This trip changes lives as well as is life changing.
• May all we say and do bring honor to our Heavenly Father.
• May the children know we, as well as their Father in heaven love them.
• May we radiate the Father’s love.
• The cribs arrive in time for us to help assemble and distribute them.
• A nice rain so we could actually see the colors of the city (as well as breathe!) ☺
• Let us be an encouragement to the children and staff of Hope and Philip Hayden Foster Homes. Let our visit be
productive, helpful, and meaningful to them.
• May the Lord guide or every step so that whatever happens, we know we’re in HIS will.

Thank you for joining us in prayer as we become’s God’s hands and feet. You are loved and appreciated and we covet your prayers.


Visiting Orphans
Team Chaoyang 2008